Our cleaning system allows us to perform consistently, effectively, and thoroughly.
We are protected under WSIB, so you can rest easy and protected, too.
We are a 24/7, 365-day provider for all of your commercial cleaning needs.
During these unprecedented times with this ongoing global pandemic, health and safety is our utmost concern. That is why Janmasters will continue to offer the same level as well as an increased level of sanitation and cleaning services in order to combat the transmission of COVID-19. Our staff have been thoroughly trained on our unique decontamination cleaning system, which is a great defence to help combat the threat of COVID-19. Our cleaning system includes a combination of advanced disinfecting chemistry, tools and cleaning protocols to remove the maximum amount of microbial in the workplace.
We employ stringent hiring and selection process. Our employees embrace our company values, and we believe in treating everyone justly and fairly.
Our unique app manages all periodical cleaning tasks, delivering custom-built audits and live incident reporting, increasing both efficiency and productivity of our team.
To give further assurance to our clients, our staff are insured, bonded and registered with the Ontario Worker Safety Insurance Board (WSIB).
Read our reviews showcasing our customer’s experience with our company, outlining our commitment to customer service.
Exceptional customer service is the unconditional commitment to giving the highest-level customer service to every business, regardless of the circumstances.
Contact us today with your inquiries. Whether you have questions about our services or looking for more information, we’re happy to help. Give us a call or fill out our short form— a member of our team will reach out to you in 24hrs.
For even faster response, call us toll-free at 416-732-0841 or 1-800-773-3808 or email us at info@janmasters.ca